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Major New Discovery on Blocking Spike Proteins From Binding to Human Cells

DENVER, Oct. 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NewAge, Inc. (Nasdaq: NBEV), the Colorado-based organic and healthy products company, today announced that it has discovered and isolated the mechanism of action to block spike proteins from binding to cells in the human body. The Company believes the discovery to be of major significance and intends to both leverage the science within its own portfolio and to also partner with other medical, research, or pharma companies and health systems to enable the benefits of the discovery to become more broadly available to consumers worldwide.

NewAge has discovered what it believes to be breakthrough science in the pursuit of health and the strengthening of people’s immunity. A paper reporting the findings has been posted at the Center for Open Science. The company’s abstract, “Anti-viral properties of Morinda citrifolia (NONI®) fruit juice” was also recently presented during the Functional Foods and Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) session of the 29th International Conference of the Functional Food Center, significant because of the academic peer-review required to verify the soundness of the scientific research. The conference hosted experts in medicine and biology and industry to discuss the usage of bioactive compounds for immune support and health.

Brett West, Chief Scientist at NewAge, commented, “We have more than 200 patents, cooperative research studies, and peer-reviewed papers on NewAge’s Tahitian NONI® (NONI) products and this new discovery not just adds to the body of research, but brings our insights into the benefits for consumers to an important new level. We have now been able to measure the ability of NONI and its major phytonutrients to block the binding of the spike proteins to cellular membranes. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) to detect the competitive inhibition of spike protein to Angiotensin II Receptors (ACE-2) binding by NONI, NewAge scientists uncovered that NONI inhibited the ability of the spike proteins to bind ACE-2 by approximately 70%.”

Noni fruit comes from remote outlying areas in the islands of Polynesia and has been used as natural medicine by Tahitians for centuries. Noni fruit from Tahiti is one of the world’s richest sources of antioxidants, and NewAge sources almost all available noni fruit from that region ir direct partnership with growers from farm to bottle. Tahitian NONI® has generated more than $7 Billion in worldwide sales to already rank as one of the world leaders in natural nutritional supplement sales. A study conducted by university researchers in China demonstrated that consumption of NONI® promoted a decrease in oxidative stress in cells by 18%, helped improve NK cell activity by >30% and helped increase Interleukin-2 (IL2) by 32% (that supports activation of NK Cells). A separate group of Japanese researchers found that these increases were due to a group of phytonutrients named iridoids, of which noni is a unique food source. In another study, Tahitian Noni juice also helps increase CD4+/CD8+ T-cell ratio, a marker of immune system health. Additional information can be found in the US Nat’l Library of Medicine in the NIH indexed publication and in the NIH indexed publication

"Presenting at the FCC conference is great recognition for NewAge and a really big deal,” commented Deanna Latson, Chief Product Officer at NewAge. “An even bigger deal, is our new discovery, one of the magnitude that would normally be expected to come from major pharma companies, research institutes or health systems. The amount of research and scientific data that goes into being able to present findings of this nature is a an arduous hurdle, and the significance of NewAge’s new discovery and the impact it may have on immune health has never been more critical and timely given today’s environment.”


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